The subject of my work has always been the human body, through from life painting to light installations, where it is present in its absence also, in that I am dealing with aspects of the human experience. I have explored visual perception which I dealt with in various forms and media – I was registered partially sighted in 1992. I then developed a visceral imagery based on the workings of the inside of the body, incorporating my own hospital data (x-ray and dicom) photographs, and high magnification images of parts of the body (skin, hair, and blood), working into these, elements of both the natural and man-made world for their symbolism. Through metaphor, and a process of electronic manipulation, I created hybrid forms with these elements and my own photographs.
My interest is rooted in my experience of developing and living with diabetes and it’s complications for the last 45 years. I think of this work as objective self-portraiture, and a re-modeling of the natural order. We are in an age when our view of ‘the figure’ in art is being completely changed by science and technology. With these new technologies, we are now able to manipulate and create anything we have in our imaginations. Consequently, my work reflected on some of the ideas and methodologies in the biosciences, where not only images, but life itself can be reconstructed. This remains an interest and an influence.
From 2003-2008 I was exploring nano sounds of cells in the body (bacteria, viruses and sugar), and built sound structures with these and the images, thus adding further layers of meaning. My installations were centered on the combination of visual and auditory experience, as well as involving touch. I manipulated the cell sound samples, and constructed images as works in themselves, as I continue to maintain a strong Fine-art approach to making and fabricating. Unfortunately, the scientist I was working with had to drop out of our project.
After doing an excellent course in sound technology at LCC in 2008, I continue to make soundscapes, have developed my own library of recorded sounds, and have changed the focus of my subject, which continues to be based on the human experience, especially of dis-ease. I have also returned to drawing. At the same time I continue to have an interest in painters through the ages. I aim to carry on working with traditional methods and technology together.