New additions 2024 to Artists Book on living with Type 1 Diabetes Melitus. ‘Can You Hear Me ?‘, pp 9.10.14 & 15. Please see further down for information
Earlier progress…Can You Hear Me? #1
Sounds from Lockdown London 2020
This a 5 min patchwork of extracts from the ongoing 20 min composition of the same name to be released in the near future.
MRI Self Portraits – Searching for something.
Unfinished but not abandoned
I very much like the idea of the open–ended piece of work. Within my own practice it is part of the artist’s books I make (usually ongoing in their content) and my ongoing sketchbooks. I rarely exhibit this type of work.
I have been working on it on and off, for 6 years so far. The flower coming to life from near death represents just that emotion in a human being. More
Images of artists book shown at Hundred Years Gallery, London, as part of ‘As it Stands: Unrefined, muted,abandoned”, July 2017
BLOOD A Proposal :
Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune dysfunction affecting the levels of sugar in the blood. High levels mean the sugar sticks to the vessels causing untold damage especially over time. The whole vascular system can be affected, from the larger arteries around the heart down to the tiny blood vessels of the feet. MORE
Artist Book
‘Can you hear me’ (collage with images of self and medical objects), and the beast over my shoulder. Hand made book using ‘stabbing’ (oversewn binding) and long stitch techniques. Dimensions: 8cm x 20cm, 10 pages in portrait, 10 pages in landscape. watch the video here
The subject of my art has always been the human body. I express our experience of living with it in this world, and within particular spaces and situations. From an ongoing concern with conveying my 49.5 years of living with Type 1 Diabetes and its complications, the book “Can you hear me?’ gives the disturbing experiences a tangible form. I lighten the burden by turning my insides outwards, sometimes in the form of hats, and I release hauntings and demons. These are aesthetic interpretations of viscera and an approach to the materials involved in my daily treatment.
The following book is in the University of Kent rare books collection
2. ‘SUBCUTANEOUS; I want my beta cells back‘. Dimensions: 20cm x 20cm, 40 pages. Photographic (and partly didactic).
In process: